
STC Bahrain Balance Check

STC in Bahrain has provided many electronic services to its customers, citizens, residents and visitors. These electronic services are diverse to meet all customers’ needs, and among these services is the STC Bahrain balance inquiry service.

Steps to Check STC Bahrain Balance through code

You can learn about check your balance on STC Bahrain through code, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Open the dialer on your mobile phone.
  • Step 2: Enter the code *101#.
  • Step 3: press on “call” option.
  • Step 4: View the balance value within the stc Bahrain chip.

Steps to Check STC Bahrain Balance online

You Check STC Bahrain Balance online through stc Bahrain website, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Go to stc Bahrain website log in service “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter all required data to log in, which are:
    • Mobile number.
    • Password.
  • Step 3: Click on “sign in” option.

Steps to stc Bahrain Balance Check online

  • Step 4: Complete the login process.
  • Step 5: View the value of the available balance for the account holder in the stc Bahrain chips registered in his name.

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Steps to Check STC Bahrain Balance through STC Bahrain app

You can Check stc Bahrain Balance through stc Bahrain application, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Download stc Bahrain application through the following download links:
My stc BH app from Google Play Store:
My stc BH app from Apple Store:
  • Step 2: Install the application on the mobile phone after the download process is complete.
  • Step 3: Open the application and grant it the required permissions.
  • Step 4: Choose the preferred language.
  • Step 5: Enter all the required data to log in, which are:
    • Mobile number.
    • Password.
  • Step 6: Click on “sign in” option.
  • Step 7: Complete the login process.
  • Step 8: View the value of the available balance for the account holder in the stc Bahrain chips registered in his name.

How to check STC data balance

You can check STC data balance through codes, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Open the dialer on your mobile phone.
  • Step 2: Enter one of the following codes according to the type of data chip, which are:
    • postpaid: *98888#.
    • prepaid: *101#.
  • Step 3: Click on “call” option.
  • Step 4: View the balance data value within the stc Bahrain chip.

STC Bahrain Balance Check link

All STC customers in Bahrain can inquire about their balance, whether for prepaid or postpaid lines, through the STC Bahrain website by accessing the link and then entering the required data to log in and complete the balance verification process.


stc Bahrain is keen to provide various services to its customers, and among the services that stc has made available to customers is the service of inquiring and checking the balance value, whether through the codes for the verification process or through the stc Bahrain website or through the stc Bahrain application that works on various types of mobile devices.

Questions & Answers

What is the code to check the stc Bahrain postpaid data balance?

What is the code to check the stc Bahrain postpaid data balance?

You can check the stc Bahrain postpaid data balance by dialing the code *98888#.

How much is the stc Bahrain prepaid data balance verification code?

How much is the stc Bahrain prepaid data balance verification code?

You can check stc Bahrain prepaid data balance by dialing the code *101#.

Can I inquire about the STC Bahrain balance through the STC Bahrain app?

Can I inquire about the STC Bahrain balance through the STC Bahrain app?

Yes, you can inquire about the STC Bahrain balance through the STC Bahrain app.

What is the stc Bahrain WhatsApp number?

What is the stc Bahrain WhatsApp number?

The stc Bahrain WhatsApp number is 33121121.

What is the stc Bahrain customer service number for individuals?

What is the stc Bahrain customer service number for individuals?

The stc Bahrain customer service number for individuals is 33121121.