Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain

The Passport Department of the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, through the Information and e-Government Authority, gives residents of the Kingdom access to all data related to their residence permits, with the ability to print and keep the residence sticker in simple steps and at any time.

Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain

The Department of Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain announced in July of the year 2021 AD the adoption of a new residence sticker for all residents, noting that the old sticker is valid until it expires and there is no need to replace it, The following is the most important information contained in the residence permit sticker in Bahrain:

  • ID card number.
  • Passport number.
  • Nationality.
  • Number and type of residence.
  • Release date.
  • End date.
  • Profession.
  • full name.
  • Guarantor name.

Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain

Steps to print Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain

You can print Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain through information and electronic Bahrain government website, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Go to information and electronic Bahrain government website residence service “from here“.
  • Step 2: Click on “manage requests and residences” option.

Steps to print Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain

  • Step 3: Determine the preferred method of inquiring about residency through one of the available options, which are:
    • Specific Residency.
  • Step 4: Enter all required data.
  • Step 5: Click on “search” option.
  • Step 6: Follow according to instructions.
  • Step 7: Check all residence permit details.
  • Step 8: Click on “download” under the residency certificate.
  • Step 9: Print the residence permit sticker after downloading it.

See more: residence permit certificate download | Bahrain residence permit check

Print Residence Permit Sticker Bahrain link

All residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain can download and print their residence permit sticker through the Information and e-Government Authority website in Bahrain by entering the link and then following the instructions to access and print the resident’s residence permit.


All residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain must obtain and keep their residence permit sticker for use when needed, This sticker includes detailed information about the resident, the profession he works in, the residency expiration date, nationality, and other information.

Questions & Answers

What information does the Bahrain residence permit sticker include?

What information does the Bahrain residence permit sticker include?

The residence permit sticker in Bahrain includes information about the resident, such as name, profession, nationality, ID number, residence number, expiration date, sponsor’s name, and other data.

Can I print a residence permit sticker in Bahrain?

Can I print a residence permit sticker in Bahrain?

Yes, residents of Bahrain can print their residence permit sticker through the Information and e-Government Authority website.

How much is the fee for printing a residence permit sticker in Bahrain?

How much is the fee for printing a residence permit sticker in Bahrain?

Printing a residence permit sticker in Bahrain does not require paying any fees and is a free service provided by the Information and e-Government Authority in Bahrain.

How do I update my personal details for the Bahrain Residence Permit?

How do I update my personal details for the Bahrain Residence Permit?

To update your personal details, you can log in to the Bahrain eServices portal and make the necessary changes under the Manage Requests and Residencies section.

What does Active Residency mean when checking my permit status?

What does Active Residency mean when checking my permit status?

Active Residency means that your residency permit is valid, and there are no issues with it, The expiration date will be provided so you can renew it on time.